What a week. I'm completely slammed at work for no reason of my own. I keep getting pulled off large high priority projects to fix change modify or run in any number of circle around small insignificant problems project or whims my peers see fit. There is a method to my madness and they don't want to take the time to see it.
If I have a project I am working on in one program on a project that has elements that are cross compatible then it is easier to simply maximize my time by working on two or three project simultaneously. This way I can get a bulk the layouts and designs in place and only have to worry about the review process when the time comes.
But God for bid that I try to get a head start on things that are due a couple of week from now. I in turn always seem to be rushing at the last minute because of the constant nit-picking and micro managing. I see why the people I work with are where they are in their careers. I will not become one of those trapped souls who take their job so seriously that they can see beyond themselves and notice the possibilities of something new and cutting edge.
That is where I want to be. On the new and cutting edge train! I want a job where I can be give parameters to guide me and still have the trust and freedom to do the best work I know without being throw under the bus or corrected and mis-managed to the point that the project always teeters on the brink of failure! I work in such a negative environment for such a positive cause!
I am not saying I am any different than any of the other millions in the world with similar situations. I also don't deny that this won't happen again if I were to relocate to a new job. But there is a point where the value in scary unknown possibilities out-weigh the common knowledge of the hum drum of day in day out grief and aggravation of knowing that this isn't how things should be.
So this is an all call. It's time to wake up and make a difference. IF you can follow your dreams then take the leap and make a change to something that may make you happy. If you can't leave your current situation start planning your escape. And if you are unsure simply step back and try to make a personal change sometimes it's not what is outside that causes the problems but the perception from inside that does.
Make a change just to remind yourself that you are alive!